〉 21 / 22

Classical Music and History of Japan
Vol. 1
Violin & Piano Duo ~ 歴史 ‟ Story ”
” The story of Mikhail Grigoriev ”
Concert Overview
クラシック音楽 / Classical Music
本コンサートシリーズ「クラシック音楽と日本の歴史」第1回目の公演では、このような大正から昭和初期の「新たなグローバル文化の波」の中で、当時の人々が日々のくらしの中で親しんだ作品、欧米から来日した演奏家たちがレコード制作や演奏会で披露した作品、そしてこの時代の日本を代表するバイオリニストであり女性作曲家である幸田 延の作品の演奏と共に、同時代にロシアから日本へ亡命し、西洋音楽が縁で日本人女性と結ばれたロシア人「ミハイル・グリゴーリエフの物語」を語る。
During the Meiji era, Japan began importing Western technologies and culture at a rapid pace. Classical music was no exception. This period saw the introduction of musical education along Western lines and experts were brought in from abroad — mainly from Prussia and Austria-Hungary — to teach the first generation of classical musicians in Japan. Initially, however, this arrival made little impression on the life of ordinary people, since the few concerts that were organised remained an elite affair. But as the number of homegrown musicians grew, so did the opportunities for listening to classical music until, eventually, it became a staple of everyday life. Concurrent with this democratisation of classical music, what used to be an elite and German-centric culture also experienced a new wave of globalisation. As Japan transitioned from the Meiji to the Taishō era, not only German but also French, Russian and many other styles of music began to be heard in Japan. These developments were sped up during the Taishō era by the coming of the vinyl record and the radio broadcast, which made a wide range of music accessible to great swathes of the population. Due to this veritable boom in classical music, high-profile musicians from the West such as Heifetz, Kreisler, Ellman, Rubinstein were able to tour Japan. Soon, many from Japan were venturing abroad to study classical music in Europe and the US. The new generation of Japanese composers that came out of this experience incorporated Western influences and became representatives of the distinctive East-West fusion that flourished in the Taishō and Shōwa eras. In the first instalment of our “Classical Music and History of Japan” concert series, we will explore this new wave of globalisation through the performance of musical works that were popular at the time and through the story of one Mikhail Grigoriev, a Russian refugee who became involved with a Japanese woman by means of classical music.
日本の歴史/ History of Japan
(1920 ~ 1943)
ロシア人“ グリゴーリエフ ”と日本人“ 綾 ”
————— 異国の地で気づいた互いのIdentityと愛との葛藤
” The story of Mikhail Grigoriev ”
The Russian Grigorieff and the Japanese Aya
———— Two souls, torn betweentheir lovefor each other and their individual journeys of self-discovery.

Courtesy of Paul Gregory
100年前一人のロシア⼈が、大正から昭和初期の日本にもたらした、小さな“芸術”の芽。それは、やがて人々のくらしの中で、鮮やかに花開いた— 本コンサートシリーズ「クラシック音楽と日本の歴史」第1回公演では、そんな歴史の小さな一ページを紹介する。
In 1920, a Russian refugee arrived on the shores of Japan to plant the first seeds of what would eventually alter the entire cultural fabric of Japan. This forms the backdrop to the first instalment of “Classical Music and History of Japan” a trilogy of Alacrity productions exploring the reception of Western classical music in the Japanese cultural consciousness.
In revolutionary Russia, a young officer by the name of Mikhail Petrovich Grigoriev worked as an interpreter for the Imperial Japanese Army. Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of his mission, he was ousted from the country and was compelled to go to Japan in 1920. In Tokyo, where he eventually settled down, Western culture was flourishing and being introduced ever more rapidly. Grigoriev lived from hand to mouth in this modernising city by — among other jobs — teaching and playing music, which he had once learned as a student in Russia. And it was through these music lessons that he met his future wife, Arakawa Aya. A Tokyoite who was brought up in a life of comfort, she was thrilled by the novel trends coming in from the West and eagerly joined Grigoriev’s small musical circle. This encounter changed their lives forever. Through the marriage, Grigoriev found opportunities to cultivate his talents as an artist and a scholar in the top cultural and artistic milieu of Japan, all with the support of Aya’s father and her brother-in-law, the poet Kawaji Ryuko. As he began to be recognised more as a scholar of literature, however, the role of music in his life changed from livelihood to consolation, something to soothe his longing for his country, for the Russia that no longer was. But Grigoriev maintained his activity as a musician throughout and with this he left a small but not insignificant footprint in Japanese society. In the meantime, Aya, who had converted to Russian Orthodox upon marriage and took on a new Russian name Vera Alexandrova, also experienced unexpected transformations in her life. With the generous support from her family, Aya raised two daughters in an international environment filled with Russian culture and classical music. This experience must have compelled her to grow a consciousness of what she was — a Japanese, a converted Russian Orthodox woman, and a wife and mother of musicians.
When Japan was embroiled in the global turmoil of war, the life of this international couple was turned upside-down. That was the time that both Grigoriev and Aya faced some critical difficulties that threatened their identity as Russian, Japanese and family. How did they face these difficulties, how did they survive? What allowed them to maintain their sanity in their precarious daily life was music, something which had by then become a staple of Japanese society at large.
By following the story of Grigoriev and Aya, which is also the story of classical music’s reception in Japan, we shall discover the very movement that led to the music of Beethoven and Bach becoming incorporated into Japanese popular culture and consciousness.
Historical research by Sayoko Sakakibara/榊原 小葉子
企画・制作 ・主催 Alacrity 株式会社
Concert シリーズ / ロシア人
Violin & Piano Duo ~ 歴史 ‟ Story ”
” The story of Mikhail Grigoriev “
Clara Schumann: Andante molto from Three Romances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Valse-Scherzo, Op. 34
Nobu Koda: 1st movement from Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 1 in E flat major
Dmitrii Shostakovich: Four Preludes, Op. 34
César Franck: 1st and 2nd movements from Sonata for Violin and Piano
Germaine Tailleferre: Adagietto from Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2
César Franck: 3rd and 4th movements from Sonata for Violin and Piano
約 70 分
■ 受付時間:10:00~17:00 (日曜・祝日 お休み)
TEL または CONTACTフォームからお問合せください。